Many Schwark's and Schwarck's around the world are wondering about the origin of their family name.
This website of the SCHWARCK family from Bad Doberan (Mecklenburg) only offers a limited view on the family history. Much information is still to be gathered, some will probably remain incomplete. Further difficulties may arise from the different spelling of the name (with "K" or "CK"), even among related branches of the Schwarck family tree. The name Schwarck presumably originated in the area of Mecklenburg (which today is the German federal state Mecklenburg - Vorpommern).In the low German dialect in the Mecklenburg area, SCHWARK , SWARK , SWACK comes close in meaning to: dark stormcloud; in addition: grief. Another interpretation could be the derivative of the slavic God SWAROZIC or SWAROG, the main and war divinity of the Lutizen. SWAROG was also the God of the heavenly light and the fire. The different spelling SCHWARK / SCHWARCK is due to different cognitive abilities of chroniclers. Different pronounciation and spelling errors added their part in confusing this name, as well as other names. We would appreciate any further information or hints regarding the SCHWARKs or the SCHWARCKs, at any time from wherever you may be!!! |